Common Rowing Terms

Group Term Definition
Terms for Rowing Techniques stroke The action of pushing with ones legs to move the boat
recovery The action of moving up the slide to the catch
catch The starting position of a stroke
finish The ending position of a stroke
slide A track on which a rower moves and rows
sculling The rowing form using two smaller oar, one in each hand
sweeping The rowing form using one large oar held in both hands
Terms used on the water oar the item used to row, consisting of a handle, shaft, and blade
square positioning the oar so the blade is perpendicular to the water
feather positioning the oar so the blade is flat on the water
check putting the blade of the oar in the water, usually to stop the boat
weigh enough means to stop rowing and feather your blade
bow The front of the boat, identified as the seats closer to the bow-ball
stern The back of the boat, identified as further from the bow ball
port from the perspective of a rower, the right side of the boat
starboard from the perspective of a rower, the left side of the boat
Terms used on land hands-on the order given to get a hold of a boat
up-to order given to raise a boat to a certain height
up-over heads order given to raise a boat overhead, held with locked out arms
weigh enough order to stop walking and wait
bow the half of the boat closest to the bow-ball
stern the half of the boat furthest from the bow-ball
Paddles"Paddles" by Tim Green aka atoach is licensed under CC BY 2.0